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okays. i would say this is a fine example of culteral imperialism.
activity for all: for the frequent movie goers, name all the movies that you have watched for the past month, for the rest, for the past half year?
Most will realise that majority of the flicks that we catch are hollywood films. why is this so? because there is a huge dominance of US products.
Most of us are fascinated, infatuated and sometimes obsessed with hollywood flicks and stars.
Sometimes, i feel like US shows undermines our local ones. The concept of FLOW can be seen here. flow is a deliberate attempt to alter or maintain a balance of power that is advantageous only to the developed country. This concept benefits the US because developing or smaller nations do not have the comparative advantage in the international media market.
It has become a sporting sight to see youngsters who condemn on local ones. Smaller states like us, are likely to experience a loss of national and cultural autonomy. They tend to go online to watch US programs such as prison break, gossip girl or grey's anatomy. Seriously, are local productions that bad? And also, if we do not support our own productions, who will?
With such great intervenes of US media products, Singaporeans are becoming more US-alike. Meaning, they began to adopt some US cultures. Such as prom night, cheerleading, and some of the other lingos by the americans.
To those who only supports foreign films, they are in one way or another tarnishing their local's industry. Also, they are widening the social gap between ours and the more advanced in a indirect manner.
Let's start supporting singapore's very own productions!
true. but their storylines are really a lot better than ours.
N they seem 2 like just randomly pic goodlooking actor/actresses of the streets and yet they kinda seem 2 act better than our local ones. >.<
Oh well. Dun say onli US series even Korean drama win ours. Only local comedy can make it haha.
well, ya. but don't you find local productions are getting better lately? like the leap years, money no enough ( ok, i know many will condemn how jack neo has no other topics except tageting at our own government). and also, how about home song stories and 881? i find that they are really great local productions. Lets not stereotype them, shall we. i dun believe all americans are that good-looking. see, we are stereotyping again. lets just give oourselves some chances.
Haha. Sorry i din catch all those shows.
N most of the shows like i say local comedy i'd watch cause its really funny cause u actually understand the jokes because its singaporean kinda jokes.
I dun think that american movies are all nice, but at least there's more choices. haha.
I dun condemm local products i mean, just sometimes doesn't seem 2 have appeal. They're trying 2 hard 2 bring a message, sometime ppl just wanna watch some action or brainless stuff.
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