Sunday, November 2, 2008
USA's 44th president?
this topic has one of the most popular conversational-starters lately.
even my dad and i talked about it over dinner.
non-americans are showing great enthusiasm over such a topic? why?
is it because of cultural imperialism again? are we so obsessed with the US issues?
or we have simply nothing to do?
have a look at the 2 videos (part of their campaign)
Look at their different style of delivery.
OBAMA's way(sometimes i feel that it sounds like osama) is to convince people that america needs a change. not a small one, but a rather drastic one. i felt that this is rather effective because of the current economic situation of the united states (the collapse of lehman's brothers, the drop in property stocks)
mainly, he is targeting at the younger crowds, asking people to take risks, make big changes and basically everyone has lot to do for a greater america.
His assuring and confident voice (paralinguistics)also attracts people to vote for him.
because obama is young(perception and prototypes- more daring to make great changes), he will adopt conventional way the turn the current situtation around.
Unlike Obama, JOHN MC CAIN is almost twice of obama's age, at 72, i admire him to stand for election for the second time(he lost to bush in 2000 election). From the video, he's trying to depict his loyalty and commitment to the white house. He has been serving since he is 17. Mc Cain seeks for a less risk approach by warming and touching people's heart and assuring for an improvement of american's welfare.
Such campaigns are examples of transactional model of communications
Such candidates are trying to deliver their message across to win votes and americans are able to voice their disregards and their preference, through the forums, youtube, well, basically the media. Also, the environment affects how one will make their final decision as well.
How is everyone going to vote? Based on their personal preference(by having an african-american president for the first time)? will they follow the crowd? or because of the media propaganda?
Now i'll leave you with this video.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The King of the World- USA?

click for enlarge view.
okays. i would say this is a fine example of culteral imperialism.
activity for all: for the frequent movie goers, name all the movies that you have watched for the past month, for the rest, for the past half year?
Most will realise that majority of the flicks that we catch are hollywood films. why is this so? because there is a huge dominance of US products.
Most of us are fascinated, infatuated and sometimes obsessed with hollywood flicks and stars.
Sometimes, i feel like US shows undermines our local ones. The concept of FLOW can be seen here. flow is a deliberate attempt to alter or maintain a balance of power that is advantageous only to the developed country. This concept benefits the US because developing or smaller nations do not have the comparative advantage in the international media market.
It has become a sporting sight to see youngsters who condemn on local ones. Smaller states like us, are likely to experience a loss of national and cultural autonomy. They tend to go online to watch US programs such as prison break, gossip girl or grey's anatomy. Seriously, are local productions that bad? And also, if we do not support our own productions, who will?
With such great intervenes of US media products, Singaporeans are becoming more US-alike. Meaning, they began to adopt some US cultures. Such as prom night, cheerleading, and some of the other lingos by the americans.
To those who only supports foreign films, they are in one way or another tarnishing their local's industry. Also, they are widening the social gap between ours and the more advanced in a indirect manner.
Let's start supporting singapore's very own productions!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
the FACEBOOK generation
ps: its gonna be a relatively long entry... endure....
i was reading seventeen magazine the other day. (yes, i may be a little too old for it) They were talking about internet language in one section. It talks about leaving comments, or changing status and even exchanging gifts on facebook can be a straining factor on relationships.
Here's an article to further demonstrate the influence of facebook.
Man murdered wife over Facebook posting
Friday, 17 October 2008
A jealous husband who repeatedly stabbed his wife because he felt "humiliated" over a posting she made on the social networking website Facebook was jailed for life today.
Wayne Forrester told police he was "devastated" that wife Emma had changed her online profile to "single" four days after he had moved out.
Forrester, an HGV driver, drove to the marital home in New Addington, near Croydon, south London, armed with a kitchen knife and a meat cleaver in the early hours of February 18.
Fuelled by cocaine and alcohol, he attacked his wife as she lay in bed, beating her, tearing out clumps of her hair, and stabbing her in the head and neck.
Neighbours who heard screaming called police, who found him sitting outside covered in blood, and he confessed he had killed her.
Forrester believed his wife, a payroll administrator, was having an affair and had made threats to kill her, the Old Bailey heard. The couple had been together for 15 years.
Judge Brian Barker, the Common Serjeant of London, told him: "You committed a terrible act. There is no possible excuse or justification.
"This is a tragic killing and what you have done has caused untold anguish."
Relatives of the victim wept as the 34-year-old, who had pleaded guilty to murder, was jailed for life with a minimum term of 14 years.
In a statement to police after the murder, he said: "Emma and I had just split up. She forced me out.
"She then posted messages on an internet website telling everyone she had left me and was looking to meet other men.
"I loved Emma and felt totally devastated and humiliated about what she had done to me."
Alex Lewis, prosecuting, said neighbours had been woken by screaming at around 6.30am on the day of the murder and police were alerted.
"They found the lifeless body of Emma Forrester lying on the floor just inside the hallway.
"She had been stabbed repeatedly in what was a brutal and sustained attack."
Miss Lewis said the couple had a "volatile" marriage and Mrs Forrester sometimes took two jobs to support herself and her husband, who was often out of work.
The relationship deteriorated further over Christmas last year and her husband finally moved out on Valentine's Day.
He began making telephone threats and her father Robert Rothery would often stay at home with her to look after her.
The day before the murder, Forrester rang her parents and complained about his wife's Facebook entry which he said "made her look like a fool".
Later their daughter rang them to tell them she was going to bed and bolting the front door.
The next morning neighbours heard crashing as the door was broken down and a woman's high-pitched cries for help.
When police arrived they found Forrester outside, and he held his hands out to be cuffed. His clothes and hands were covered in blood,
He said: "It is my wife's. She is in there. I have killed her."
The officers found her lying in a pool of blood, with a bloodstained kitchen knife beside her. They later also found a blood-stained meat cleaver.
Clumps of Mrs Forrester's long brown hair were found outside the bedroom and the bannister was broken.
The killer had previous convictions for theft and burglary dating back to the age of 15, the court heard.
In a victim impact statement, Mrs Forrester's sister Liza Rothery said her death had been "devastating" to her and parents Robert and Frances.
Her father felt guilty at his "inability to protect his daughter when she needed him", she said.
Miss Rothery added: "What on earth could Emma have done to result in such a brutal, callous attack on a defenceless woman?"
Well, i chance upon this article while using facebook. it was a really shocking news of the side effects of facebook. Unfortunately, the man has taken everything on facebook too seriously. This is a good evidence of the powerful effects theory. It shows how such an online program is influential (magic bullet) and also, users of such programs are passive. Also, the theory predicts that it has a strong and universal effects on users. Well, facebook does, doesn't it?
I would like to bring in another communication concept, interpersonal communication.
Quoted from the article:
Miss Lewis said the couple had a "volatile" marriage and Mrs Forrester sometimes took two jobs to support herself and her husband, who was often out of work. The relationship deteriorated further over Christmas last year and her husband finally moved out on Valentine's Day.
The Knapp model of relational development clearly defines that the relationship between forrester and his wife is coming apart. From the quoted source, forrester and his wife is in the 'avoiding' stage because the wife is avioding and cutting channels of communication between them. In addition, Forrester's disturbing behaviour has further threaten their relationship.
From forrester's statements, he definitely is suffering from some psychological problems. His love for his wife has become too possesive....hmm. love is fatal i guess.
So an advice to all: not to take facebook too seriously k.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Jumping, Sucidal or Attention?
Apparently, a particular schoolmate jumped down from the second level of the SIM builing with an umbrella on his hands.
Yes, second level may seemed pretty low for many people. But trust me, level 1 of our school is higher than the usual floors. I simply had no idea what he was thinking. Maybe he was trying to enact some 911 scenes? Apparently, in order to escape from the collapsing world trade center back in 2004, many victims were compelled to jump off the building with an umbrella in hope to save their own lives.
Enacting the scenees without any safety precautions... not wise...
From what i see, i know, he is a pretty interesting guy. He is a risk-taker. definitely. Coupled with jeans and teeshirt, he wears a sailor cap in school too. Interestingly, he seems to change his hats and caps quite regurlarly. Such people are definitely attracts a lot of attention. Well, physical appearance is definitely important in building an impression and also a relationship with others. However, our judgements of physical attractiveness are influenced by cultural norms and socialisation. So, my first impression of him was defintely not daring or cool, but rather weird and attention-seeker.
The schoolmate was doing this, apparently for his communications blog. His whole project group sort of agreed on it. But i would believe he was the initiator. But seriously, what were they thinking?
Yes, he thinks that this is an interesting issue to post on the blog, but do we need to do it until that extent?
not smart....
although he landed on both feet, but he was hospitalised because he hurt his spine. not sure of the details though.
My perception of him has definitely changed tremendously after this incident. not going to reveal if its positive or negative. Have yours change? But yes, this information has determined my outlook towards him. I will adopt stimulus discrimination because, if i happen to make friends with him, communcations and actions will be based on the fact that he is so unique from others. so really unique.
Get well soon.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
got milk?

hmmm, i was thinking of what to blog today. its very easy to blog any random stuff but i find it hard to link them to comm theories. i mean like, my entries tend to become very rigid that way.
I was checking my inbox(myphone) just now, and i realised same 5 smses throughout the whole weekend, which says,
FYI, the following items have been recalled due to China's milk situation. M&M's, snickers, mento's yogurt bottle, dove chocolate, oreo wafer sticks, monmilk, dutch lady sterilised milk, wall's all natural mango, mini poppers ice cream, magnum ice cream, mini cornetto and youcan ice cream. Stores have been asked by AVA to remove them. If you have any of these in your house, don't eat them.
now i have to see if eva longoria still can't resist temptation with such health hazards.
here's an article taken from
SINGAPORE: Singapore's Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority (AVA)
says its latest laboratory findings show that the "White Rabbit Creamy Candy"
from China is also contaminated with melamine. It advises consumers who
have bought the affected product not to consume them.
The latest test results bring the total number of milk and related products from China imported
into Singapore that are found to be contaminated with melamine to three.
The other two affected products are "Yili Brand" Choice Dairy Fruit Bar Yogurt Flavoured Ice Confection" and "Dutch Lady" brand of strawberry flavoured milk. All the
affected products have been recalled earlier. Since September 19, AVA
has suspended the import and sale of all milk and milk products from China.
These products include milk, ice-cream, yoghurt, confectionery such as
chocolates, biscuits and sweets as well as any other products containing
milk from China as an ingredient.
Retailers and importers have been instructed to recall these products and withhold them
from sale. As a precaution, consumers are also advised not to consume any milk or milk
products from China.
AVA says it will not hesitate to prosecute any retailer or importer who fails
to remove these products from their shelves. Under the Sale of Food Act,
anyone found selling unwholesome food can be fined up to $10,000 and/or
sentenced to three months' jail, or both. Consumers who have any queries
can call AVA's hotline at 6325-7625 during office hours (8.30am-6pm, Monday-Friday).
from this article, we can tell that
the mass media is a powerful tool in informing consumers the dangers of consumption of milk products from china.
well, most of us are quite biased in our opinions about china products. Based on our past experiences and knowledge, we are aware that china products are produced via cheap labour and resources. I am sure, we all tend to doubt products coming from china. Therefore, we perceived them as of lower quality. well, we learnt that in com101 right. perception can be deceiving.
AH HAH. on top of tt, now comes this news, im pretty much sure that China's market would be greatly affected. Many milk companies may face downfall. and there might be a higher rate of unemployment.
Despite the fact that our singapore government AVA have noted that other products are safe. Singaporeans, as usual, the kiasu, kia-si and kia sangbang lot will not purchase ANY food product made in china. This is becuase we select what we hear out of the news. It seemed only 'china's products is toxic' is ringing in our head. Hence, our information is distorted and is subjected to omission.
So dear fellow singaporeans, do take note of the fact not all china products are affected. thanks
Sunday, September 14, 2008
The toughest race ever
Such advertisements are enticing because they bring about a difference between the different seasons of the show. Instead of presenting monotonously, another season of the amazing race asia, they used a new headline, that is 'the toughest race ever' to capture the attention of the audience. After all, there are 14 seasons of the american the amazing race, and this, being the third instalment of the asia version, it has to somehow be outstanding.
I especially loved the first advertisement that introduces the teams because of the style and narration of the advertisement and how it aims to reach out to the audience. Ethos (persuasive appeal of one's character) was definitely acheived. Through it's animated and exaggerated depiction, it definitely convinces me that the race is going to be full of challenges and difficulties.
For the past seasons, it has proven the criterias for a successful team. How about for this season? Being the toughest race, audience would perceived racers from this season to be tough and fit. Viewers would select teams to root for based on just physical attributes. I, myself was awed by our singaporean team because they did not look fit enough for such challenges. In fact, their physical attributes may hinder their progress in the game.
But, such perception is falsifiable because though fitness may be a criteria, past teams have won given their excellent team work and persistency. For instance, season 1 was won by a team of 2 malaysian girls.
Also, by watching the race, i learnt that language(Idols of marketplace) essentially is important in communication. Teams are travelling around the world and many a times, the differences in cultural and language have caused them to slow down during the race. Communication is successful only when ideas are transmitted right?
Though initially i wasn't hopeful for the singaporean team, however if singaporean don't support themselves, who will?
So everyone, do catch when you have the chance.
will the singaporean team go far?
p.s: the singaporean team can be seen in the advertisment. the 2 females (they look boy-ish) in the cave.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
What if mankind had to leave Earth, and somebody forgot to turn the last robot off?

Meanwhile, WALL.E chases EVE across the galaxyand sets into motion one of the most exciting and imaginative comedy adventures ever brought to the big screen.
Joining WALL.E on his fantastic journey across the universe of never-before-imagined visions of the future, is a hilarious cast of characters including a pet cockroach, and a heroic team of mal-functioning misfit robots.
WALL.E is a well-deserved, high anticipated animated event of the year. Though with little dialogues, the message that the movie was trying to deliver to the audience was well-interpreted. On top of that, the cutesy designs and voices of the robots melt the hearts of many. This movie definitely proves that 'Silence is gold' and a good example of non-verbal communication. Even in the cases of robots, it is impossible not to interact as silence is part of of communication. The interaction between Wall.e and Eve is a also a good depiction of a transactional model of communication because communication is made using noise and the environment. Also, following the long line of Pixar classics - beautiful, energetic, intelligent, satirical, crammed full of gorgeous design, and genuinely heartwarming, Wall.e has displayed another high standard quality of a pixar production.
Nonetheless, the movie may not appeal to the masses. Especially to movie goers looking for action-packed and more intellectually challenged movie. With little conversations, Wall.e may bore, if you just knock off from a tiring day at work. However, it is definitely, a must catch movie for parents hoping to bring their children out for a fun-filled day.
Personally, i enjoyed the movie given its adorable and emotional depiction of the characters. Also, the movie delivered a hidden message that gives a good warning to all earthlings that we ought to take better good care of our home.
catch it if you can.
now comment! :D