Thursday, September 25, 2008

Jumping, Sucidal or Attention?

I was pretty taken aback about what happened one week ago in SIM HQ campus.

Apparently, a particular schoolmate jumped down from the second level of the SIM builing with an umbrella on his hands.
Yes, second level may seemed pretty low for many people. But trust me, level 1 of our school is higher than the usual floors. I simply had no idea what he was thinking. Maybe he was trying to enact some 911 scenes? Apparently, in order to escape from the collapsing world trade center back in 2004, many victims were compelled to jump off the building with an umbrella in hope to save their own lives.

Enacting the scenees without any safety precautions... not wise...

From what i see, i know, he is a pretty interesting guy. He is a risk-taker. definitely. Coupled with jeans and teeshirt, he wears a sailor cap in school too. Interestingly, he seems to change his hats and caps quite regurlarly. Such people are definitely attracts a lot of attention. Well, physical appearance is definitely important in building an impression and also a relationship with others. However, our judgements of physical attractiveness are influenced by cultural norms and socialisation. So, my first impression of him was defintely not daring or cool, but rather weird and attention-seeker.

The schoolmate was doing this, apparently for his communications blog. His whole project group sort of agreed on it. But i would believe he was the initiator. But seriously, what were they thinking?
Yes, he thinks that this is an interesting issue to post on the blog, but do we need to do it until that extent?

not smart....
although he landed on both feet, but he was hospitalised because he hurt his spine. not sure of the details though.

My perception of him has definitely changed tremendously after this incident. not going to reveal if its positive or negative. Have yours change? But yes, this information has determined my outlook towards him. I will adopt stimulus discrimination because, if i happen to make friends with him, communcations and actions will be based on the fact that he is so unique from others. so really unique.

Get well soon.

7 comments: said...

is he mad or what? i doubt he will get an A for being so silly!

Anonymous said...

A for courage and stupidity loL.

Rif said...

sigh..i dunno..on one writing a blog post about his actions, i feel like it's only gonna encourage him to do something more stupid in the future just to get a response from his peers..but on the other hand..if noone talks abt it..then we won't know actually how silly and stupid his actions are just to garner some attention..*shrugz*..things like these deserve a "whaaaateeeveeerr.." from me.. heh. xP

Anonymous said...

maybe he just wanted to down pes for army. chao keng for reservist!

Jill said...

Cool post, I was blog hopping. (:

I used to have a friend who did stuff similiar to what you mentioned; jumping off high places, eating weird stuff, wearing clothes a lil differently than the norm and chasing cars, literally.

Haha, he had his fair share of people who thought he was cool, as well as people who found him a nuisance (esp if he injured himself) and silly.

I used to belong to the latter, then the first, then I became his friend. I dont quite know about this schoolmate of yours, but my friend believed in doing such things cos he liked the thrill and he liked being not the norm.

He didnt want his life to be like everyone elses, mundane and shiz. Life was all about taking chances and doing things seldom had done before, apparently.

I kinda quite admired him for that cos deep inside many of us lack such individuality and courage to step out of our comfort zone.

Just thought of sharing cos your post brought back many memories for me! :D Cheers!

Anonymous said...

hm is this your new blog or what? oh and yeah could he really float with the umbrella?! haha always wanted to try that cause look they always show how you would actually float in the air with umbrellas! hahaa. but he hurt his spine so i guess not. do spastic stuff but just dont get hurt you know. lifes short. do WHATEVER you want.

Zed Ngoh said...

somebody did what in campus!? i must start coming to school more often.

his reason behind his act of risk seems no different from most of the things we do, eat, wear or who we are seen with. we are all attention junkies.

wanting to be different, fear or revere me but please think i'm special. haven't we all been guilty of this?