Sunday, November 2, 2008

USA's 44th president?

this topic has one of the most popular conversational-starters lately.
even my dad and i talked about it over dinner.
non-americans are showing great enthusiasm over such a topic? why?
is it because of cultural imperialism again? are we so obsessed with the US issues?
or we have simply nothing to do?

have a look at the 2 videos (part of their campaign)

Look at their different style of delivery.

OBAMA's way(sometimes i feel that it sounds like osama) is to convince people that america needs a change. not a small one, but a rather drastic one. i felt that this is rather effective because of the current economic situation of the united states (the collapse of lehman's brothers, the drop in property stocks)
mainly, he is targeting at the younger crowds, asking people to take risks, make big changes and basically everyone has lot to do for a greater america.
His assuring and confident voice (paralinguistics)also attracts people to vote for him.
because obama is young(perception and prototypes- more daring to make great changes), he will adopt conventional way the turn the current situtation around.

Unlike Obama, JOHN MC CAIN is almost twice of obama's age, at 72, i admire him to stand for election for the second time(he lost to bush in 2000 election). From the video, he's trying to depict his loyalty and commitment to the white house. He has been serving since he is 17. Mc Cain seeks for a less risk approach by warming and touching people's heart and assuring for an improvement of american's welfare.

Such campaigns are examples of transactional model of communications
Such candidates are trying to deliver their message across to win votes and americans are able to voice their disregards and their preference, through the forums, youtube, well, basically the media. Also, the environment affects how one will make their final decision as well.

How is everyone going to vote? Based on their personal preference(by having an african-american president for the first time)? will they follow the crowd? or because of the media propaganda?
Now i'll leave you with this video.